Friday, 2 May 2008

Boris and Natasha?

It seems that a few of my friends put a little cross by Boris's name today. Most say they only do so because “drivers are getting fleeced” over the congestion charge which may well be a fair opinion (we'll disregard the fact that the number of cars in the city has decreased since the charge was introduced), it isn't cheap if you have to drive in every day.

The thing that bothered me was the fact that not one of them could name another issue or any of Boris's other pledges. So it would appear that for a lot of people this is a single issue race and everything else is ignored. How can this possibly happen? People should know the issues that directly effect them, I refuse to believe that the thing that keeps most Londoners awake is the fact that they would have to pay if they wanted to drive into the city!

Anyway, I digress, what the world needs to see is the fact that Boris Johnson, despite the fact he many 'meet and greats', is actually a cartoon character. This is the only logical conclusion I can reach at this time. So the half baked plan I have is to drop an anvil on him from a great hight, if I am right about this, it should flatten him momentarily but he should then spring back up, unhurt, thus proving to the public that he is indeed just the creation of a cartoonist with a far too crazy an imagination.

Back on Tuesday,



anonemouse said...

do it!
and if this fails, you could always try a piano...

Hattie said...

Back on Tuesday?! Oi, bloggers don't get bank holiday weekends!

Josh said...

ER: Where would be a good place to source an anvil? And will they happily swap it for a piano if I find the anvil is “not fit for purpose”?

Hattie: Sorry, but I was musing over the lack of random musings I have and decided that I need to remuse somewhere, by a pool in the sun. I'm sure by doing this, I'm breaking an ancient blogging rule but please bare (bear?) in mind that I'm new to this game.

anonemouse said...

you could try warner bros.?

Hattie said...

I understand. I wouldn't mind remusing by a pool somewhere myself. Have a lovely weekend.

anonemouse said...

josh, get your towel and get back soonest - it only looks like elmer fuck'd has gone and won...
i'll happily goes halves on the anvil with you

Ariane said...

I am a little cross that your friends put a little cross! But I'm very glad that you didn't. Hope you had a lovely holiday.

Josh said...

Just got back and am planning on a shower followed by sleep!

ER: I'll place an order with ACME tomorrow but given the amount of time they've taken to deliver my rocket shoes (they are worse then IBM!), I'm not holding my breathe.

Hattie: Had a great time, lots of drink, good food and great company! What more could one wont?

Ariane: My long term plan is to see how Boris does and then say “I told you so” to everyone that voted Boris and silently judge everyone that didn't vote!

anonemouse said...

he's back!
and, josh, if ACME don't deliver the anvil we could always forge one (i think, together, we should be able to spell ACNE ;-)
however, if all else fails, perhaps you could simply play the piano while i hum along with you?

Josh said...

I can't play the piano and my humming is almost always off key so that may not be the path to follow (unless, of course, your humming can make up for both), our best bet may well be to forge, how hard can it be?