Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Happy Workers

I have countless opinions that people, in general, disagree with, sometimes they raise an eyebrow, sometimes they just shake there head and other times they just say “what the hell are you on about?” One such opinion is when I say one of my favorite films is Toys and although I didn't fully appreciate it when it first came out, I still loved it and continue doing so today.

When I first saw it, I was a big Robin Willams fan (I know, not the person most 11 year olds look up to) and I enjoyed the quirky nature of the film, the vivid colours and I thought the story of a toy factory president going mad and building war toys was shear genius. Then, over the years, I saw it a few times and I never seemed to get bored of it.

Now, of course, I watch it (I have yet to buy it on DVD) and I see many, many references to Magritte, I hear an awesome soundtrack, I see great costumes, really surreal (again, Magritte inspired) sets and I still think the plot is shear genius. I appreciate that the film was ten years in conception, which given the visual 'feel', isn't that surprising. The plot now shows so much more, how the original owner never lost his innocence, a trait which his son shares and above all it warns of the dangers of taking life too seriously.

I'm sure you can analyze this film to death from a psychological perspective or from a special effects point of view or countless other angles but it all boils down to the fact that it's entertaining. A truly great film in my opinion.


anonemouse said...

an opinion that others share all too readily, without nuance, without debate, and without outrage (you gotta push the envelope, as the people at hallmark are wont to say...) is often not an opinion at all, merely an absence of one...
i don't recall ever having seen 'toys' but the director, the actors and the idea do seem intriguing enough to give it a spin, backed up by your glowing review, even though others have panned it so hard you can still read 'non-stick' all over it...
will ask for it in the dvd-o-teque soonest, altho' i do fear it may well be an 'under-the-counter, plain-brown-envelope' kinda choice...
one question i do have for you tho' joshster, without wishing to pry, but you do seem to write your posts, and your comments elsewhere, at an hour that could be called rather late in the day...
are you one of those people who work unreasonable hours, are you on shifts, or are you merely an vampire who comes awake an night and who sleeps during the day (and which doesn't make you a bed person, i hasten to add...)?

Josh said...

If amazon sell it then I don't think it needs to go 'under-the-counter'......

Surprisingly, I do work a 9 to 5 (that is 9am to 5pm, just to be clear). My shift days are over and I try not to work unreasonable hours tho some hours are too stubborn to argue with. In truth I just don't sleep much..... Oh, and I love garlic.

Ariane said...

You love garlic? Stay away from me tonight!

Haven't seen the film but will make a note to.

Hattie said...

I agree - I love Toys. Very odd, but really inspired visually and so original. No one ever mentions it, but I think it's a remarkable film.

Sofi said...

I havent watched it but i'm intrigued now! I wonder if there will be a massive Toy shortage in the coming days when many of your readers all rush out to buy/rent! :p

Josh said...

Ariane, if I had a pound for every time a lady told me that......

Hattie, it is underrated and hardly ever mentioned, which is why it always makes me smile when someone says “I love it” =)

Sofi, watch it! I wouldn't worry too much about a shortage as I don't think 3 dvds will dent current supplies.