Saturday, 29 March 2008


I've notice over the last few weeks, I've been in an amazingly good mood, almost to the point I have a 'spring' in my step. I don't know what the cause of this would be, nothing has changed in my life but I just feel good. Even walking in the puring rain doesn't get me down. On the tube, every now and then, I see someone smiling for no reason and I think “what a freak” but recently, that's been me! I'm sure something will dampen the mood soon enough but for now, I'm just going to enjoy it.

Anyway, spring has apparently arrived! Tho you can't tell looking at the weather, they promise us the hottest summer on record this year (is it me or has it been “the hottest summer since records began” for the last few years?). I'm looking forward to it, it's been a while since I last got on my bike or roller blades and I've been saying for the last few weeks that I'll start cycling “once the weather clears up”. I won't make a “global warming” comment here as public opinion on this has got to a rather ridiculas media-hyped point and people seem to get a bit over-emotional over this.

Seeing something on an almost daily basis you don't quite realise how much you get use to it, until it chnages. I'm talking about google, I think they are only doing this for a few days so you need to be quick to see it but I think it looks quit cool. They are doing it for their earth hour campaign and although painting it black makes very little difference now-a-days I still think this is a nice gesture.


Ariane said...

Lovely post. I too am looking forward to summer. Warm sunny days and light evenings really lift you up... can't wait!

Josh said...

Ah to leave the office while it's still daylight!
Thanks for the comment, it's great knowing that at least one person is reading =)

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