Saturday, 22 March 2008

Where the cold wind blows

It snowed today, yay! But then I remembered that, here in Briton, we don't really do weather. Sure some times we have a brilliantly hot and sunny day, or a day where you know it's raining. But the vast majority of the time, it's sort of in between.

Don't get me wrong, I love London, I can't imagine living any ware else but I just don't understand the weather. I don't mind the rain but it rarely ever rains here, their's always that grey threat of rain and sometimes, it opens up but not for long and it quickly goes back to it's grey threat or worse still, drizzle. Just enough to make to feel the rain but not enough to warrant an umbrella. I think about the weather in new york, hot summers and cold winters. You wake up in the morning and you know for sure if you should take your umbrella or scarf with you.

What's the solution? Move? Not a chance, I'll take London with all it's flaws over any place else! For the questionable weather, we have great theater, great restaurants and cafes and milkshakes from Godiva on Regent's Street. The pros far outweigh the cons.

In the meantime, I'll look out the window, see the white flakes and dream of snow angels. Knowing full well it's not going to settle long enough for me to make any.

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