Tuesday, 7 October 2008

A Disturbed Mind

I was working late in the office with a lukewarm coffee beside me and the jukebox playing whatever it felt like throwing at me. Usually this isn't too much of a problem as the songs in the collection are relatively tame and - baring some occasional cheese - not cringe worthy.

Every now and then, the unthinkable happens, I hear a song that leaves with unable to phantom the artist's intention or the song's meaning. Today it was 'Dead Puppies (aren't much fun)' by Ogden Edsel. What the hell was this guy smoking when he wrote this song?

They don't chase squirrels, they don't come when you call and that's just the start! I'm sure at one point, the deceased dog (who, by now, you've figured isn't very entertaining) is put in a stew. I don't think I can justly describe the song so I'll just link to it and call it a night, enjoy (and I'm sorry).

Dead Puppies (Aren't Much Fun)


Daisy said...

Um... ok that sounds creepy! I always find that I can relate to whatever song is playing at any given moment - like it's mirroring my life at that point.. but I guess I don't listen to that song!! Wanted to pop by and let you know I (Marianne) have been gone a while but I'm back and in disguise from now on! Hope to catch up...

Josh said...

Daisy, welcome back! This bought a smile to my face =)

Ariane said...

That was fantastic! "My puppy died last fall/He's still rotting in the hall."

I really needed a good laugh today. Thanks a lot!

Muhamad Lodhi said...

Cracking...he is.

Josh said...

Ariane, any time =)

Muhamad, as a result it certainly left me cracking....