Sunday, 5 October 2008

A Forgotten Story?

Sometimes you read a book or watch a movie that's quite good, that can stand up as a piece of fiction but, for some reason, people will want to dress it up as a true story. I was watching Sleepers the other night, a film I've not seen since I watched it in the cinema over 10 years ago.

Despite having some big names in it, it's been all but forgotten over the years. I don't know why as it's a film I'd recommend. It's a touching story set in Hell's Kitchen, New York in the 60s and is about four young boys who are sent to a correctional facility where they are tortured and raped by the guards. After release and into adulthood, two of the boys see one of the guards in a bar and shoots him.

The crux of the film is about the following court case in which the district attorney (another one of the original four) attempts to try the case in such a way as to get the murderers let off while bringing to light the horrors that went on at the facility.

The weird thing is the fact that no one seems to remember this, including the people I know I went to see this with! Granted, I've given little thought to this film over the years but as soon as I saw the name, I was able to recall the story, maybe not all the details but enough to know that it didn't completely slip out of my mind.

This time round, I learn that the author of the book claims it to be a true story, even though no evidence has been found to corroborate it, I find this adds nothing to the story but the thought's there non-the-less. It's crazy but people have actually looked into the details of this, I have no idea who but probably people with to much time on their hands (that is to say people with a smidgen more time on their hand than I have on mine).

All the controversy, I found this to be an unforgettable story....


Kia Abdullah said...

I liked the book a lot. The film was less good. The book was touted as a true story, yes, and I think I remember the claims being brought into question but I never looked into it. Will check out the link.

Josh said...

I've not read the book but would like to.


Ariane said...

Yes, but is it as good pr funny as "Dead Puppies"? Because if not, it's going to be a massive anti-climax...

Josh said...

Well in that case, prepare to be disappointed, no dead puppies in this film...

Kia Abdullah said...

I'm pretty sure I have the book at home (as in my mum's home - one of the books I still have to rescue!). I can try and dig it out for you next time I go round?

Josh said...

That would be great, thanks!