Thursday, 19 June 2008

Yak or Yak-Like Creatures

It's been a fairly warm day which prompted the opening of the skylights in the office which is usually uneventful in itself but today the church next door were having a hymn session. Throughout the day, I was catching snippets of choral melody as it was being carried in by the breeze.

I ask my boss “can you hear a choir?”, “no Josh, it's the jukebox” he replies with an air of authority, “but we are listening to the Chemical Brothers, that sounds nothing like a choir”, “no, really, it's the jukebox”. No one else was in the office at the time so I had nothing to confirm the fact that I had actually heard it. “You must be losing your mind Josh.” he tells me, “Not to worry, that's a pre-existing condition.”

I'm standing firm on this, I know what I heard regardless of the fact that no one else did. On a similar note, I know I've had green beer in the Alps which, apparently, contains no colorings. Every no and then, we go out to the French/Swiss Alps to either ski or climb, it's great fun and I usually get home needing a holiday. More often than not, we stay in or around Chamonix and it was in a bar in this town where I first tried the green beer. The problem is, whenever I tell someone about this, they look at me blankly as if I had just told them about a unicorn I had just seen. This isn't entirely uncorroborated though as the four people I drank with that night had the same thing. Unfortunately, none of them live in the UK any more and I can't seem to find anyone else who has had the stuff!

Back in jolly old England, I remember a weekend in the Peak District (apparently, so named not for the peaks in the district but after the 'Peak' tribe that populated the area many years ago). We were driving along on narrow twisty roads when we passed a small field which I noticed was populated with big hairy cows. “I just saw some Yaks!” I exclaimed, none of the other passengers noticed them and the driver refused to turn the car around to satisfy my claims, he thought it would be easier to dismiss my sanity. Granted, I know little about cows but I saw Yak or, at the very least, Yak-like creatures and I spent the rest of the trip assuring people that I wasn't losing my mind.

It was months later that I got a text message from a friend, simply stating: “I just saw some Yaks!” Tonight, I just wanted to take a moment to assert the fact that, despite what some may say, I still have a full complement of marbles....


Kia Abdullah said...

It wasn't hot today.

And skiiers = tossers. Brooker is law.

Josh said...

Well, it was warm enough for you to leave you jacket at home!

I'm quite surprised you, of all people would have just a closed minded attitude to a sport you've never tried before. Being amongst the mountains is not only an awe inspiring sight but it's also quite a humbling experience. On the rare occasions when the conditions are right to walk to the top, I sit there and it really feels like the world has fallen away, it's incredibly calming.

Then skiing down, preying you don't set off an avalanche is one of the greatest adrenalin rushes and takes great discipline.

All I'm saying is give it a go, just once, before dismissing me as a tosser.

anonemouse said...

you're on a slippery slope, kia...
skiing, whatever judge and jury brooker may have to say on the matter, does not equate to tossing (cabers, salads, or even oneself off) altho', in both pursuits, you can end up covered in white gunk (eeeugh! - sorry...)
as for your alpine green beer josh, 'twasn't st paddy's day when you drank it by any chance (as in 'top o' the mountain t'vous?')
finally, as per your shaggy cow stories, while your mate's text sighting confirmation may have been reassuring, how can you be sure he wasn't on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau at the time?
you might have all your marbles, but your tale does sound a little bit like quite a lot of bull...

Josh said...

Thinking back, it would have been mid summer so I'm sure it wasn't St. Patrick's day.

As I say, I'm not overly knowledgeable about cows but I would imagine a farmer would have to be mad to fill a field with a load of bull, they are very territorial, you can't put more than one in the same field. I will, one day, figure out what I saw (and it was confirmed, she did later tell me she was in the Peak district), when I do, I'll be sure to shout it to the world!

Kia Abdullah said...

This is what I meant when I said you sweat the small stuff.

Josh said...

Well of course I sweat the small stuff, have you read this blog? =)

It's the big stuff I don't sweat....

Kia Abdullah said...

Well, last time I said it, you denied it.

Marianne said...

Oh dear, I hate it when this happens and no-one believes you- so frustrating. My family still laugh about the time I saw an episode of Watchdog where all 10 of the people they sent to Miami airport to test the crime problem got mugged at gun point. They were like "yeah, right, so EVERYONE who goes to Miami airport gets mugged!" And I was like, no, just 10 out of the 10 people Watchdog sent. Sigh. Sorry had to share that one.

PS Loving your condensed milk recipe - it's actually already a favourite of ours- that's how you make the "offy" part of banoffy pie. Although don't do what one of my friends did and forget it on the stove overnight- it exploded and she awoke to find tar-like substance all over the walls and ceiling.

Josh said...

Mariane, It is so incredibly frustrating! I usually have to say “why on earth would I make this up?”

I was thinking, given your love of condensed milk, that you would already know this recipe but glad you like it. I had no idea it was the 'offy' part in banoffy pie, live and learn....