Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Nice Guys Finish Last

I've been told this time and time again, apparently I'm never going to get anywhere unless I become more blood thirsty. This usually baffles me slightly as I'm not exactly a walk over, sure I don't seem to have the same hunger to own a Porsche or make oodles of money before I'm 40 as a lot of people around me do, but I'm happy!

At three points (that I can remember) in my career, I've been presented with either going into a well paid job at a large company with a pension or going taking a less well paid job with a smaller company but with more control over what I do and with more flexible hours. Each time, I've picked the smaller more flexible jobs and I've (to-date) never regretted it. At one point, a friend even asked me “do you want to be poor all your life?” which has to be, by far, the most bizarre question I've ever been asked as I paid for dinner that night!

I'm sure at some point in my life, my attitudes will change and I'll start chasing big payoffs and maybe even sell my soul (if anyone will buy it, that is) but right now, I love my job, have many friends and am keeping up with the mortgage, in short, I love my life!

More recently, I was told “nice guys finish last” while talking about relationships (I don't envy the relationship this person is in but that is a whole other story), and I realised, I don't really care, I'm not going to change who I am, take it or leave it. For now, I just don't feel like racing........


Kia Abdullah said...

Ouch! T-shirts, Josh. T-SHIRTS!

Josh said...

Quite right, I'll get them printed..... tomorrow.

I know you say I should grow a spine, I'm working on it. For now, I'm just going to starch my shirts so I can keep my back upright.