Friday, 11 April 2008


I was going to talk about something that happened last night over dinner as it went a long way to proving that I probably shouldn't be out in polite society as I have great difficulty biting my tongue. Unfortunately, I'm about to head out in a few minutes and just don't have the time to put that drivel/rant/thought to paper.

Instead, I'll make a quick mention of nicknames. I'll start by saying that my real name is not Josh but no one ever calls me by my first name except my family (once a month maybe?) and an ex-girlfriend (even tho she insisted I use her nickname).

I've been called many things: H, George (no idea where that came from), 'boy', Jwash and of course Josh. However, last Christmas, one of the guys from my office summed it up perfectly. We were out for a meal and a few drinks (ok, it might have been a smidgen more then a 'few') and I'm sure I must have been doing my usual thing by criticising something or someone. The guy just looks at me and says “wra ra ra ra ra ra” (doesn't work very well on paper but he was trying to sound like Zippy), cue roaring laughter from everyone around, it wasn't so much his impression, it was more the fact he had totally summed up the way I criticise and for the first time in a very long time, I was completely speechless!

Anyway, since then, the name has stuck and as of this morning, I have yet to come up with an appropriate comeback, the words “wra ra ra ra ra ra” stop me dead in my tracks.

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